new-year-image1I’m not really a new year’s resolution kinda guy, but I usually use the Christmas break to take the time to review my goals from the previous year and revise them for the upcoming one.

I do this every year as I like to take note of how many of the things I set out to do were accomplished. I’m not surprised by it, but I do find it inspiring.

It is also a good tool to find the things I was being successful at that twindled off as life got busier. Anyone else got a gym membership they’re not using regularly?

This year I found some things that didn’t really work, but that had worked in previous years, so I was able to go back and see what actions I had taken in those previous years that I didn’t take last year. Voila! Now I know what I need to put more energy into.

I’ve found the biggest reason for writing out my goals and reviewing them often is it is a good way to set myself up for success. And that if I’m NOT writing these things down, then I’m really not setting myself up for anything. I don’t want to spend today planning today. I want to spend today carrying out the plan that was thought of earlier, then reviewed, and revised to make it the strongest most intelligent plan I could think of. It’s always a much better plan and the results are better.

Anyways…one of my goals for this Christmas break was to not work too much so I’ve really gotta go.

Happy new year to you all. I hope it is filled with love and laughs and clarity and success.

See ya next year!!!!

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