pitch meeting structureSo you just booked your first pitch meeting for your show.

You did your homework and found the correct Executive to pitch to, you did a good enough job selling yourself and your idea to get a meeting, and you booked it. So now what?

Now you build a killer Meeting Pitch.

You need to make sure your Meeting Pitch tells the story your Pitch Materials sold to the Executive. And it begins with the One Sheet.

Outside of your Logline, your One Sheet should be the most focused piece of work you have about your show, and that focus will be the foundation of your Meeting Pitch.

What’s that you ask? “Can’t I just take the old paragraphs I had before the One Sheet and use those?” No you cannot. You are moving forward, not back, and that means you are not using those stale old paragraphs.

You’re going to take each of the focused paragraphs from the One Sheet and expand on them. You’re going to take each paragraph and breathe more life into them: take that honed and polished One Sheet and make it tell a story that can go on for 13, 26, and 39 episodes.

Your Pitch Meeting Structure is a story about your Characters, Settings, Stakes, and the Stories your TV show will tell in every episode and every season.

Now just because you’re expanding from one sentence to a paragraph does not mean you get to be less focused. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. You need to be MORE focused, because instead of holding the Executive’s attention for 2 minutes, you need to hold it for 7 – 10.

Just because you get to talk longer doesn’t mean you get to wing it. Every line you say needs to make them want to hear the next one. Think of reading a page-turner book; every page makes you want to know more. It’s the same thing with your Meeting Pitch Structure; every line needs to drive the Executive to want to watch this show on TV.

Your Pitch needs to take them deep into the subject’s world and make the Executive visualize your show on TV.

Show the world and draw them into it. Tell them stories and make them want more.

Sell the excitement, drama, and humor or danger of the Characters, Settings, Stakes, and Stories. Answer the Executive’s questions before they ask them by knowing your show’s demographic, knowing what shows it’s like and how it’s different, and by knowing how it relates to today’s television landscape.

Develop your show. Than strip it down to the bare bones. Than build it back up into a focused, compelling and exciting 7 – 10 minute pitch. Than book your meeting and knock ‘em dead.

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