where the hell is keithIf you’ve been following along with the blogs you’ll have noticed there has been a gap in new material being put out since about July. There are a lot of reasons for that.

The last blog entry I wrote talked about re-jigging priorities when life gets really busy, and I had to do just that. But the reason I had to do that was so great, it was the only reason I could think of worth stopping writing for this site.

I was busy prepping to shoot the demo for my show.

I major US Broadcaster asked for a 20 minute demo for my show, so I was busy prepping and shooting it for them. Yes!! Me. On location. Shooting my show!!

Here’s the rub – legally I can’t talk too much about it. The contracts I had to sign to get this far make me wonder if I’m even allowed to be in a family photo at Christmas, so I’ll have to talk about this in broad strokes and tell you what I can about the things I’ve learned from playing in that arena.

Todd was actually asking why I wasn’t blogging about the process leading up to the shoot. And I’ll tell you what I told him…

…it was because I was waiting for Ashton Kutcher to jump out of the shadows to tell me I’d been Punk’d. At first I didn’t believe the phone calls I was getting. Then I didn’t believe I’d get the plane tickets to fly to the location. Then I didn’t believe they’d let us on the plane. And so on and so on until Mike and I were on the plane coming home saying, “Holy crap! We just shot a demo for the show!!!!”

The whole process was such a dream come true it was actually hard to believe it was happening. And I felt if I wrote about it here I’d somehow jinx it. It might seem ridiculous, but if I’ve ever had a “Pinch me. I must be dreaming” moment in my life, that one week of shooting was it.

When this process first started happening in April I was staying at my friend Nicole’s place in Manhattan. I told her it felt like an elaborate hoax. She said this, “That’s how it feel when your dreams start coming true.”

So in the upcoming weeks I’ll be talking about the process of what it’s like when they’ve called and they say“You’re going to shoot.”

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