you call this workI’m deep in the throes of pre-production (we start shooting Saturday!!) and the 15 hour work days are cutting into my writing time (I apologize for that), so I thought I’d share some fun things that have happened at work in the last couple weeks.

I went to a zoo.

I met an elephant.

I got to see a circus show.

(yes…I got paid for all of this…

The Art Designer of the show and I discussed (ad nauseum), the topic of ”Do we build ‘the perfect set piece’ (I can’t tell you what it is ‘til the show airs), or do we rent something else to save a couple thousand dollars?” (we rented)

I was given another email address AND a second cell phone so everyone can always get in touch with me.

I spoke in front of Town Council. Again.

I learned about armored cars.

I learned how to set the combination for a vault.

I think there are a few other things that I’m forgetting but I’m off to a meeting (there’s lots and lots of meetings), so I’ve gotta go.

Anyways…if you’re struggling to get into the biz, I gotta tell ya, it’s worth the fight. We are having a blast over here!!!

Talk soon.

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